A new version of System Architect has been commercially released

Product Announcement

 System Architect® released

As a valued System Architect® customer, we want to let you know that a new version of System Architect (SA) has been commercially released. We continue to drive improvements to the product within themed areas to enable you to build and maintain a strategic, value-driven enterprise architecture.

System Architect provides the following enhancements:

Frameworks - sysML 1.6 and UML 2.5 Enhancements: The following capabilities have been added to sysML 1.6 and the newly introduced, in-depth UML 2.5 support, which both became available in SA with 11.4.8:
Sequence diagram.
Frame symbol for diagrams.
Information Flow Notation - Flow lines to client and supplier.
ItemFlow notation on InformationFlow nodes.
Information Item names on Information Flow nodes.
Show properties of modeled stereotypes as found by following modeled extensions.
Support for nested FlowPort and FlowProperty direction specifications with regards to the presented direction indicator.
UML Collaboration and CollaborationUse symbols are now elliptical.
UML CollaborationUse (Invisible) symbol is now available for allowing lines to be joined without a visible box.
Usability - SA Diagramming Enhancements: The following enhancements are available for SA diagramming:
Line-to-Remote-Text now controllable at symbol level; previously it was a global setting.
The Alignment menu/command is now available on roadmap-style diagrams for non-roadmap symbols so it can be used by those who wish to add their own key rectangles.
The Alignment menu/command is now available on hierarchy-style diagrams for root and non-tree symbols.
Projects are now movable on roadmap-style diagrams. The rightmost project defines the margin that all others line up to. To reduce the margin, select all projects and drag them to the left.
Reporting: The SA Report Generator can now support interleaving of subreport output in grid reports to produce a join of the output from multiple reports.
SA XT Web Dashboards: The SA XT Dashboard feature includes a new Diagram Widget that provides an image preview of any selected diagram.
SA XT Web Reporting: Additional settings can now be saved for reports that you build in the SA XT Query Builder: a) Run Report Across Workspaces (with specific workspaces selected and/or restricting output); and b) Specific output property types, such as Date and Time (which were previously output as text).
Usability - Definition Editor: The Advanced Definition Editor has a new icon button -- Find Property - which, when clicked, opens a chapter/property selection. Clicking OK on this dialog will find the chapter/property and switch to it, making it the active chapter/property.
SA REST: The SARest API can now handle encyclopedia transactions including OpenLock, CloseUnlock, and CloseUnlockCommit. See the help topic SA REST API: Handle encyclopedia transactions for more details.
Client Issues: A number of client issues are also fixed, as enumerated and described in the Release Notes.

To request this new release of System Architect, please log in or register on the UNICOM Customer Portal, or email to architect.support@unicomsi.com.

At UNICOM, our commitment is to ensure that ongoing research and development continue for all UNICOM software solutions and to maintain the highest standards of technical support for you, our customers.

Media Contact:
Mr. Russ Guzzo

E: russ.guzzo@unicomglobal.com

T: 1.818.838.0606

15535 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345, US
Phone Number: +1.818.838.0606

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