A new version of System Architect has been commercially released


 System Architect® 11.4.9 released

As a valued System Architect® customer, we want to let you know that a new version of System Architect has been commercially released. We continue to drive improvements to the product within themed areas to enable you to build and maintain a strategic, value-driven enterprise architecture.

System Architect 11.4.9 is a major release that provides the following enhancements:

Roadmap Marker Diagram: A new Roadmap Marker diagram is available in System Architect and SA XT, for all major frameworks. It allows you to visualize timelines (as rectangular symbols on a Gannt-like chart) as well as milestones for any artifact of the architecture; for example Application, Application Version, Product Version, Capability, etc. It is ideal for Enterprise Architecture, Systems Architecture, Product Management and Project Management endeavors.
Frameworks - sysML 1.6 and UML 2.5 Enhancements: Additional notations have been added to sysML and UML 2.5 support - including name expressions for symbols on diagrams, and presentation of values based on StringExpressions (used for instance modeling).
Integrations - Phase 2 of Support for OSLC Global Configurations: System Architect now supports: a) creation of OSLC links within the context of a Global Configuration from System Architect (SA) instance 1 to SA instance 2, b) rich hovering of said links, and c) incoming SA 1 link detection by the SA 2 UI in the context of a Global Configuration. The SA REST Configuration Wizard now enables you to specify Global Configuration user name and password.
Integrations - Auto Import of CSV Files: Improved functionality enables automatic import of CSV files at encyclopedia open time, based on encyclopedia settings where you specify mode, location, and collision options.
Usability - Zoom & Scroll on Diagram Preview: The Diagram Preview pane now includes buttons to zoom in and out, and scrollbars to navigate the contents of the Diagram Preview window.
Usability - Diagrams Can Open to Moveable Windows: Diagrams can now be opened in non-child windows so they can be positioned on other displays, using the option "Open in External".
Usability - Multiple Reference Panes: It is now possible to open multiple secondary Reference windows from the References pane opened from the Views Explorer. This enables you quicker exploration of the architecture by drilling down multiple paths.
Usability - Launching Macros by Right-Mouse Clicking on Symbol: You may now right-mouse click on a symbol and choose Run Macro which will present you with a list of available symbol macros. Clicking OK after macro selection will execute the macro for each symbol that was selected.
Frameworks - Entity Relationship Diagram Simple View: A new "Simple" display mode is available to present Entity symbols with only attribute names, without bounding quotes or any other adornments.
Metamodel Language - Hover_Help: A new property keyword, HOVER_HELP, has been added to the grammar. When used, it presents a tooltip containing the help string provided when users cursor over a property field in the advanced edit dialog.
Metamodel Language - Zoomed: A new property keyword, ZOOMED, has been added to the grammar. When used, it presents listof properties in a zoomed state upon opening an edit session.
Explorer Diagram: Group symbols can now be merged allowing them to be removed and the lines to the child symbols easily attached to the originating symbol.
Explorer Diagram: Option added to remove the immediate relatives for a selected symbol in the Explorer Diagram.
Matrix Designer Enhancements: Numerous usability enhancements have been made to the Matrix Designer, described in the What’s New of the help.
Web Client - SA XT Guest User Account: A new configuration setting is available in SA XT for "Guest User" access. This allows wider use of SA XT in large organizations without requiring the Admin to specify access and permissions for each user. When enabled, "Guest Users" are restricted to Read-only access, and will still consume licenses.
Web Client - SA XT Web Drawing Performance: Meta data needed to support diagrams is now cached in the database once collected so it does not take so long to open complicated diagram types in subsequent sessions. In addition, progress information is now presented while loading, saving, and refreshing a diagram.
Web Dashboards - SA XT D3 Charting: A new "Sort Display" option has been added to the menu bar for D3 dashboards that allows you to select Sort by Name (alphabetically) or by Value (which was previously the only option).
Web Reporting - SA XT Reporting GUI, Include Subtypes: SA XT Query Builder now has an option in the Where dialog for Definitions to "Add Types and Subtypes" so that the report will include related subtypes of the definition.
Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019: System Architect now supports encyclopedias created in Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Enterprise, Standard, Express, and Developer.
Client Issues: A number of client issues are also fixed, as enumerated and described in the Release Notes.

To request this new release of System Architect, please log in or register on the UNICOM Customer Portal, or email to architect.support@unicomsi.com.

At UNICOM, our commitment is to ensure that ongoing research and development continue for all UNICOM software solutions and to maintain the highest standards of technical support for you, our customers.

Media Contact:
Mr. Russ Guzzo

E: russ.guzzo@unicomglobal.com

T: 1.818.838.0606

15535 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345, US
Phone Number: +1.818.838.0606

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